Corporate Profile

Fischer | Konrad has been advising clients since 2011 on complex business management issues, particularly in the areas of corporate succession, financial due diligence (buy side and sell side), business valuation, bank financing, and controlling and consolidation.

Discovering values
always the best advice

Our clients appreciate our professional expertise, strict confidentiality, absolute discretion, honesty and the personal advice we provide. In intersectional areas of business management such as IT, taxes, law or in the area of restructuring, our strong network enables us to coordinate necessary steps with the most competent consultants. Therefore our clients always have access to the best possible advice. We personally stand up for the high quality and objectivity of our consulting services and expert opinions.

Dr. Paul Markus Konrad

Managing Partner

In his work as Partner at Fischer | Konrad GmbH, Dr. Paul Markus Konrad has advised national and international companies on corporate succession, operating control and risk management. Dr. Konrad is a publicly appointed and sworn expert for business valuation and has assisted a large number of medium-sized companies in M&A and succession processes.

Markus Konrad obtained his doctorate with work on statistical methods and accounting, has credentials as CVA (Certified Valuation Analyst) from EACVA and CCrA (Certified Credit Analyst) from DVFA, and trained as restructuring manager at Technische Hochschule Nürnberg. He holds a business degree from the University of Münster and the University of Seville and a political science degree from the University of Lyon.

Kehrel, U., Konrad, P. M.: Unternehmensbewertungen in der Bankenpraxis – Eine empirische Untersuchung deutscher Sparkassen und Genossenschaftsbanken (“Corporate valuation in banking practice – Empirical study of German savings and cooperative banks”). In: CORPORATE FINANCE biz (2013), 1-2013.

Konrad, P. M.: The Calibration of Rating Models: Estimation of the Probability of Default based on Advanced Pattern Classification Methods. Marburg: Tectum Verlag (2012).

Trustorff, J. H., Konrad, P. M., Leker, J.: Credit risk prediction using support vector machines. In: Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (2011), Volume 36, Issue 4, p. 565 – 581.

Konrad, P. M., Leker, J.: Developments in Credit Rating Agency Regulation. In: Oliver Everling, Yan Yin, Yusi Ding (Hrsg.), Domestic and Foreign Credit Theory Studies and Standardization Practices. Beijing: China Metrology Publishing House (2010).

Konrad, P. M., Leker, J.: Regulierung von Ratingagenturen, die DVFA als Plattform und Impulsgeber (“Regulation of rating agencies: The DVFA as platform and catalyst”). In: Fritz H. Rau, Peter Merk (Hrsg.), Kapitalmarkt in Theorie und Praxis. Frankfurt: Fritz Knapp Verlag (2010), S. 373-389.